Thursday, August 25, 2011

I'm here!

It's no longer a dream; I am here in Cuenca, Ecuador, (aka the home of my heart). Look at this place: how could you not be in love?

It is a gorgeous city with beautiful people. I am living with an incredible family, (the family I have now lived with three times), for the first few months I am here. Kind is the best word I can use to describe this family. They are beyond good to me. Here is a picture of us from 2009:

I will be teaching at CEDEI School for the year. Training starts Monday, August 29th, and kiddos come on Monday, September 5th. I am SO excited to get started! 


  1. Megan! Your life in Ecuador seems beyond amazing. I can't wait to hear more of your adventures!

  2. Also, fun fact. I linked the RSS feed for your blog to my classroom site. I hope my kiddos get to learn from your adventures.

  3. That's awesome!!!! I feel honored to be a part of your classroom site! :)
